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domingo, 19 de junio de 2011

51. Sword of God

TITULO: Sword of God
AUTOR: Chris Kuzneski

(PDF) 71 págs. / (EPUB, MOBI, LIT, LRF, PRC, DOC)

Off the coast of South Korea, a young boy discovers a cave that is coated in human blood. Less than a week later, everyone in his village disappears….
In Saudi Arabia, a female archaeologist unearths an artefact that threatens the historical foundation of Islam. To some Muslims, it is a discovery that must be silenced at all costs. Meanwhile, in a secret bunker run by U.S. intelligence, the unthinkable has happened. While interrogating one of the world’s most dangerous terrorists, the unthinkable has happened: an American soldier is brutally executed.

Jonathon Payne and David Jones, his former commanders, offer to spearhead the investigation. They quickly realize that there is more to this atrocity than terrorist reprisal — there is a plot in motion that will burn the world in the fires of a holy war. And it\'s up to them to stop it.

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