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domingo, 19 de junio de 2011

52. The lost throne

TITULO: The lost throne
AUTOR: Chris Kuzneski

(PDF) 169 págs. / (EPUB, MOBI, LIT, LRF, DOC)

Carved into the towering cliffs of central Greece, the Metéora monasteries are all but inaccessible. Holy Trinity is the most isolated, its sacred brotherhood the guardians of a secret that has been protected for centuries.
In the dead of night, the holy retreat is attacked by an elite group of warriors carrying ancient weapons. One by one, they hurl the silent monks from the cliff-top to the rocks below ― the holy men taking their secret to their graves….

Halfway across Europe, Richard Byrd fears for his life. He has uncovered the location of a magnificent treasure. But there are those who are dedicated to protecting it, and they will stop at nothing to prevent its discovery. Hoping to save himself, Byrd contacts two colleagues, Jonathon Payne and David Jones, and begs for their help. The duo rushes to his aid and quickly find themselves caught in an adventure that will change their lives forever.

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