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domingo, 19 de junio de 2011

50. Sign of the cross

TITULO: Sign of the cross
AUTOR: Chris Kuzneski

(PDF) 168 págs. / (EPUB, MOBI, LIT, LRF, DOC)

The first victim is abducted in Italy then crucified over a thousand miles away. The next day, the same crime is repeated — this time in Asia and Africa. Three different continents but one brutal pattern: someone is reenacting the execution of Christ. While visiting Spain, Jonathon Payne and David Jones are arrested for crimes they committed during their military careers. Fortunately, the CIA brokers a deal on their behalf: all charges will be dropped if they help catch Dr. Charles Boyd, a master thief who has stolen some of the finest treasures in Europe.

With little choice, the duo begins their pursuit, only to realize that Boyd is more than a criminal. He is one of the world’s top experts on Ancient Rome and is close to making a discovery that threatens to rewrite the basic foundations of Christianity.

From its breathtaking beginning to its mind-blowing conclusion, expect the unexpected with Sign of the Cross.

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