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domingo, 19 de junio de 2011

49. The plantation

TITULO: The plantation
AUTOR: Crhis Kuzneski

(PDF) 195 págs. / (EPUB, MOBI, LIT, LRF, PRC, DOC)

A ski instructor disappears in the mountains of Colorado. Hours later, a pregnant woman is grabbed in a crowded hospital and smuggled past security without a hitch. Two incidents, a single motive. And so it begins…. One by one, in cities across America, people of all ages are taken from their homes, their cars, their lives. But these aren’t random kidnappings. They’re crimes of passion, planned and researched several months in advance, then executed with a singular objective in mind. Revenge. Ariane Walker is one of the victims, dragged from her apartment with few clues to follow. The police said there’s little they can do for her, but that isn’t good enough for her boyfriend, Jonathon Payne.

With the help of his best friend, Payne gives chase, hoping that a tip about New Orleans somehow pays off.

Together, they uncover the mystery of Ariane’s abduction and the truth behind the South’s most violent secret.

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